Letras: Desespero - Seve Winds of the Seven Seas (2016)

22:45 WA Design 0 Comentarios

Seven Winds of the Seven Seas (2016)
Letra e Música: Drii Gomes / WA

Show us your rage
No way to escape
Drag us to our fate
Navigating off course

Hovering over
In depths of the water
Praying to gods
To keep Hope alive!

Illusion or Reality?
Maybe I've lost my sanity
Dreams sinking through the sea
Make us afraid of Dying Here!

Things in the sky
Lightning up
This torment grows
Never ending!

Monsters are destroying my people
Leading to despair the weak
The weak!

Regretting mistakes
Scars on our face
Recall us to blame
Shouting for mercy

Hovering over
In depths of the water
Praying to gods to keep Us alive!

In your hands I'm a simple grain sand

Tempest ahead
The sky turned into black
And the empty minds
When cry rise to heaven

Oh father, help us!
Cresting the waves with a flash of thunder!

Winds blow greed faraway from me
Navigating in an ocean of pain

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